Friday, February 29, 2008

Amazing Animals

All the amazing animals I am going to introduce can be found in Asia.

1. Bactrian Camels

These camels can only be found in Mongolia now. They are capable to cope with extreme climates. In Summer, they are found in small groups by dry valleys or nearby hills. In Winter, they are found by dried up creeks or stream beds. They usually live around 50 years.

2. Caracal

They belong to the cat family and can be found on dry terrain from India to Africa. In the day, they rest among rocks and holes. In the dark, they hunt for preys over wide areas. They are faster than most cats and can climb trees rapidly. They main feed on birds, monkeys and other smaller animals.

3. Siamang Gibbon

Guest who they are. Right, they are Primates which live high up in rainforests of Malaysia and Sumatra. They travel very fast through trees using their powerful arms. Currently, the number of Gibbons are dropping due to rainforest destruction. We must not endanger these rare animals.

4. Tarsier

These small animals have BIG ROUND eyes. Their hind legs are 2 times longer than their bodies which enable them to leap from tree to tree very easily. They usually live in pairs or very small groups. Tarsiers feed on bats, lizards, snakes and birds. So, who says small animals do not eat interestingly.

5. Komodo Dragon

They look like monitor lizards that can be found in Singapore. The Komodo Dragons live in Indonesia, in hilly or lowland areas. They are cold-blooded and sleep during night in tree roots and rocks. They are very good swimmers, better than some fishes, because of their strong tails. Guest what they eat. Yes, they feed on small Komodo Dragons. In addition, they eat pigs, deers and monkeys too.

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