Monday, February 4, 2008

posting 2

Hi people, my name is KAIYI. I am born in the year 1996. I was born in the Gleneagles Hospital. When I was born, I could see many wonderful things. At the same time, I could see many people staring at me.

As time pass, I was carried out of the hospital by a pair of warm and caring hands. When I was brought into a strange house, I realised that it was my home, and those people that sent me home were actually my family members.

In the year 1997 , I learnt how to walk. The following year, I learnt how to talk. I went overseas the first time when I was 4. I lost myself there once. I was around hoping I could find my parents, luckily they found me. I thought I would be lost forever. I cried very badly and they comforted me.

When I was 5, I went to kindergarten, I felt scared as I would be leaving my parents. After my first day at school, I no longer felt scared as I realised that the teachers in school were very kind towards the children. I enjoyed my kindergarten as there were little work and good food. As I graduated from kindergarten, I felt sad as I would be parting with my good friends. However, I knew that I would be making new friends in my new school.

I went to Henry Park Primary School in 2003. My first teacher gave me good impression about the school, I began to adapt to new friends and life. I also began to take up soccer. At Primary 2, I was asked to join the tennis team, after much consideration, I decided to pick it up. I had also made new friends in no time, however, we had to separate when we went to Primary 4.

From Primary 4, I began to represent school in tennis. I felt proud of myself.

In 2007, when I was in Primary 5, I had the opportunity to watch NDP live. The performance and march pass gave me a sense of belonging. I want to represent my country in future.

This year is very important to all of us in Primary 6 as the year end PSLE will decide where we will go. I want to perform extremely well in both my studies and sports and hope to go the school I have been dreaming to attend.

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